Monday, February 13, 2012

Disorganized notes from SF queer feminist erotica interviews

background: scene based out of SF- seen as at the forefront of the movement bc of inclusive, sex-positive attitudes.

1) queer as sexuality (term meaning pansexual or fluid, basically)
  • "“I don’t really give a shit [about categories] and I fuck who I want to fuck, and I think the word queer sums that up”- Ned
  • independence, engagement with sexuality
  • queer narratives must include sexuality? ex shortbus
  • “gender and sexuality evolving until I can’t keep up with it anymore- I can do anything and still just hang onto queer” My inability to select solid labels for my gender identity and sexual preference. Charlie Spats
  • my inadvertent refusal to subscribe to categories involving sexual identity. -bobby bends
  • “I definitely have a very complex and constantly shifting sexuality,” -Maggie mayhem
  • “Don’t quite fit in the binary
    I fluctuate/transform and ride the waves” papi coxxx
2) queer as sexual transgression
  • “my desires were considered out of the mainstream” -chloe camilla
  • “my tastes aren’t influenced by mainstream media or images of what is sold as “sexy” but rather about connecting on about a billion different levels that can make someone so very hot.” cola
  • “queer and/or sexually transgressive” from website
  • “Who I am, who I love and fuck as well as how is not dictated by anyone else’s terms." Arabelle Raphael
  • i'm a total pervert. -Billy castro
3) queer as gender/role transgression
  • shift away from body-centric sexuality, more towards powerplay, energy, fetishes, roles
  • “negotiate power dynamics regardless of trad gender roles” -ned
  • don’t fit into traditional roles” -Sealu sideshow
  • “my gender and sexual identities and preferences can seem contradictory or confusing to those who identify as straight or homosexual; that i don’t conform to either the hetero-normative or mainstream GLBT codes of conduct.” Courtney trouble
  • “my need to define myself as anything I choose to be. I choose the people and the relationships in which I want to be involved without feeling worried about perceptions of traditional behavior.” mickey mod
  • “i want to surprise and push boundaries, those of society and even more so my own. i love and celebrate most those parts of myself that are so often used to shame.” Nic switch
4) queer as political
  • queer is a tribe, is activist group actively trying to make things better
  • “commitment to queer community and producing queer cultural content” Sealu Sideshow
  • awareness of interconnected/intersecting identity politics
  • “I dont deal with any kind of sexist anti femme bullshit. " billy castro
  • “it’s less about who you’re actually fucking and more about your politics. Queer is an anti-assimilationist term for me… the heterosexist and cissexist model we have for society is wrong… I’m sexually transgressive because I’m not going to stop telling you about all of the exciting ways that humans are having sex until you stop putting them in jail, stop withholding jobs, stop withholding resources, and stop withholding healthcare.” Maggie mayhem
5) some combination of the above
  • My politics, how I relate to my body and use it, my community.” Arabelle Raphael
  • “Nothing MAKES me queer. Queer is who/what I am. Queer comes from inside me and pours out, and there’s too much for me to keep to myself. Queer is my sexuality, being a trans person, and a artist and exibitionist. If something were to “make” me queer it would have to be the bounderies, rule/laws, and roles that the culture, society, and religion that I live in has placed upon my gender, sexual expression, and how and who I like to fuck. Queer is a big part of my identity because I am a sexual creature and I love myself. I believe it’s a form of activism and a political statement to love myself and be open about my queerness, my trannyness, and my sexyness and show as many people that i can they can love themselves too. I think I wouldn’t have to have this identity if the world would just accept people for who they are and not focus so much on “how things are supposed to be” and what is “right” and “wrong”.” dem hot trans dudequeers puck goodfellow
  • my fluid gender identity, my sexuality, and my politics… I never refrain from being true to myself; a self that often presents a paradoxical challenge to archetypal gender compartments… see queer as the next frontier of compartment deconstruction – of gender, sexuality, and through this, patriarchy, and heteronormitivity – always in the spirit of definition and a rejection of assimilation. -Quinn valentine
  • Queer is a word that helps me identify with my own fluid gender. The term queer also gives me a way to express being attracted to many different genders.” Rodger wood
  • The ethics and beliefs to which I live my life by and the perverted sex I have. -Scout
  • “my gender, my sex, my politics, my desire.” Varina Adams

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